Data Security is an Integral Part of any Business Endeavor

In the wake of all the data breaches, privacy scandals, and cybercrime in the world these days, it can be worrisome if you’re responsible for keeping your company and customer data safe. Sure, there are standards to help you plan and implement policies and procedures around data security, like the ISO/IEC 27040:2015 document. It provides detailed technical guidance on how organizations can be consistent in their approach to plan, design, document and implement data storage security.

While the ISO/IEC 27040 standard is fairly thorough, there are some specific elements in the area of data protection — including data preservation, data authenticity, archival security and data disposition — that the ISO document doesn’t fully get into. The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Security Technical Working Group (TWG) has released a whitepaper that addresses these specific topics in data protection. One of a series of educational documents provided by the TWG, this one extends, builds on, and complements the ISO 27040 standard, while also suggesting best practices. Read More

Benchmarking Workload Storage Performance – An Expert Q&A

Nearly 1,000 people have watched our most recent SNIA ESF webcast, Storage Performance Benchmarking: Workloads. We hope you didn’t miss this 5th and final installment of the now famous Storage Performance Benchmarking webcast series where our experts, Mark Rogov and Chris Coniff, explained how to measure and optimize storage performance of workloads. If you haven’t seen it, it’s available on-demand. The live audience had many great questions. Here are answers to them all. Read More

Storage Controllers – Are You Too Proud to Ask?

Are you a control freak? Have you ever wondered what the difference was between a storage controller, a RAID controller, a PCIe Controller, or a metadata controller? What about an NVMe controller? Aren’t they all the same thing? On May 15, 2018, the SNIA Ethernet Storage Forum will tackle these questions and more in “Everything You Wanted To Know About Storage But Were Too Proud To Ask – Part Aqua: Storage Controllers.” In this live webcast, our experts will take an unusual step of focusing on a term that is used constantly, but often has different meanings. When you have a controller that manages hardware, there are very different requirements than a controller that manages an entire system-wide control plane. From the outside looking in, it may be easy to get confused. You can even have controllers managing other controllers! Read More

Fibre Channel vs. iSCSI – The Great Debate Generates Questions Galore

The SNIA Ethernet Storage Forum recently hosted the first of our “Great Debates” webcasts on Fibre Channel vs. iSCSI. The goal of this series is not to have a winner emerge, but rather provide vendor-neutral education on the capabilities and use cases of these technologies so that attendees can become more informed and make educated decisions. And it worked! Over 1,200 people have viewed the webcast in the first three weeks! And the comments from attendees were exactly what we had hoped for:

“A good and frank discussion about the two technologies that don’t always need to compete!”

Really nice and fair comparison guys. Always well moderated, you hit a lot of material in an hour. Thanks for your work!” 

“Very fair and balanced overview of the two protocols.”

“Excellent coverage of the topic. I will have to watch it again.”

If you missed the webcast, you can watch it on-demand at your convenience and download a copy of the slides. The debate generated many good questions and our expert speakers have answered them all: Read More

AI, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing in Action

SNIA Cloud Storage recently hosted a fascinating webcast on the real world use of IBM Watson – the computer that mesmerized viewers on “Jeopardy!” by answering questions accurately and faster than its human competitors. Our webcast, “Customer Support through Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning,” detailed how Watson is being used as a virtual support assistant, named Elio, at NetApp. We had many interesting questions during the live event which is now available on-demand. Here are answers to them all from our expert presenters who have been driving the success of Elio – Ross Ackerman from NetApp and Robin Marcenac from IBM. Read More

Taking SDC to New Territories

You may have seen recently that the successful SNIA Storage Developer Conference is expanding into new regions and will be held in Tel Aviv later this month in addition to the annual event in Bangalore.

These regions are largely uncharted waters for SNIA, let alone a technical conference, but the thought process in selecting the locations is obvious… where is the majority of the technical innovation and development happening in the world?  Israel has been at the forefront of the storage technology Read More

The Great Debates – Our Next Webcast Series

The SNIA ESF is announcing a new series of webcasts, following our hugely successful “Everything You Wanted To Know About Storage But Were Too Proud To Ask” webcasts. Those focussed on explaining storage technology from the ground up, and while they were pretty all encompassing in their storage technology coverage, they didn’t compare or contrast similar technologies that perform broadly similar functions. That’s what we’re going to do in our new “Great Debates” series, the first of which was “FC vs. iSCSI.” It’s now available on-demand. I encourage you to check it out. It’s a great debate with experts who really know their stuff. But wait… FC vs. iSCSI? That “versus” sounds more like an argument than a discussion. Was there a winner? Was this a technology fight, with a clear-cut winner and a loser? The answer is an emphatic “No!” Read More

Watson: From Jeopardy! to Digital Support Assistant

When IBM Watson premiered on “Jeopardy!” viewers were mesmerized by Watson’s ability to answer the quiz show’s questions and most times, beat the human contestants! Fast-forward to today and the real-world applications extend well beyond playing trivia games. Watson is being deployed in a variety of medical and business scenarios. In fact, NetApp is now using Watson as part of Elio, a virtual support assistant that responds to queries in natural language. Elio is built using Watson’s cognitive computing capabilities which enable Elio to analyze unstructured data, by using natural language processing to understand grammar and context, interpret complex questions, and evaluate all possible meanings to determine what is being asked. Elio then reasons and identifies the best answers to questions with help from experts who monitor the quality of answers and continue to train Elio on more subjects. It’s a fascinating application of artificial intelligence (AI) that we will discuss in detail at our SNIA Cloud Storage webcast on February 22, 2018, “The Future of Digital Support: The Application of Unstructured Data and AI.” Read More

Exceptional Agenda on Tap for 2018 Persistent Memory Summit

Persistent Memory (PM) has made tremendous strides since SNIA’s first Non-Volatile Memory Summit in 2013. With a name change to Persistent Memory Summit in 2017, that event continued the buzz with 350+ attendees and a focus turning to applications. Now in 2018, the agenda for the SNIA Persistent Memory Summit, upcoming January 24 at the Westin San Jose, reflects the integration of PM in a number of organizations. Zvonimir Bandic of Western Digital Corporation will kick off the day exploring the “exabyte challenge” of persistent memory centric architectures and memory fabrics. The fairly new frontier of Persistent Memory over Fabrics (PMoF) returns as a topic with speakers from Open Fabrics Alliance, Cray, Eideticom, and Mellanox. Performance is always evolving, and Micron Technologies, Enmotus, and Calypso Systems will give their perspectives. And the day will dive into futures of media with speakers from Nantero and Spin Transfer Technologies, and a panel led by HPE will review new interfaces and how they relate to PM. Read More