24G SAS Feature Focus: Active PHY Transmitter Adjustment

[Editor’s Note: This is part of a series of upcoming blog posts discussing 24G SAS features.]

By: Rick Kutcipal (SCSI Trade Association), with contributions from Tim Symons (Microchip), November 12, 2019

The first 24G SAS plugfest was held the week of June 24, 2019, and products are expected to begin to trickle out into the marketplace in 2020. Production solutions typically follow 12-18 months after the first plugfest. These storage technologies are tied to OEM server and storage vendors, which release solutions at a regular annual cadence sometimes tied to next generation Intel or AMD processors. Servers almost always lead the way, as they push the performance envelope and keep pace with faster processors, faster networking and faster storage.

To address the growing performance requirements of modern data centers, 24G SAS doubles the effective bandwidth of the previous SAS generation, 12Gb/s SAS. To achieve this bandwidth, the physical layer experiences significant electrical demands that technologies such as forward error correction and Active PHY Transmitter Adjustment (APTA) specifically address. These enhancements are required to maintain the rigorous quality and reliability demands of IT professionals managing enterprise and data center operations. Read More

A Q&A to Better Understand Storage Security

Truly understanding storage security issues is no small task, but the SNIA Networking Storage Forum (NSF) is taking that task on in our Storage Networking Security Webcast Series. Earlier this month, we hosted the first in this series, “Understanding Storage Security and Threats” where my SNIA colleagues and I examined the big picture of storage security, relevant terminology and key concepts. If you missed the live event, you can watch it on-demand. Our audience asked some great questions during the live event. Here are answers to them all. Q. If I just deploy self-encrypting drives, doesn’t that take care of all my security concerns?  Read More

Software Defined Storage Q&A

The SNIA Networking Storage Forum (NSF) recently hosted a live webcast, What Software Defined Storage Means for Storage Networking where our experts, Ted Vojnovich and Fred Bower explained what makes software defined storage (SDS) different from traditional storage. If you missed the live event, you can watch it on-demand at your convenience. We had several questions at the live event and here are our experts’ answers to them all: Q. Are there cases where SDS can still work with legacy storage so that high priority flows, online transaction processing (OLTP) can use SAN for the legacy storage while not so high priority and backup data flows utilize the SDS infrastructure? Read More

Learn the Latest on Persistence at the 2020 Persistent Memory Summit

The 2020 SNIA Persistent Memory Summit is coming to the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara on Thursday, January 23, 2020. The day before, on January 22, an expanded version of the SNIA Persistent Memory Hackathon will return, co-located again with the SNIA Annual Members Symposium. We’ll share Hackathon details in an upcoming SNIA Solid State blog. For those who have already attended a Persistent Memory Summit, you will find significant changes in the makeup of the agenda.  For those who have never attended, the new agenda might also be an opportunity to learn more about development options and experiences for persistent memory. The focus of the 2020 Summit will be on tool and application development for systems with persistent memory.  Read More

24G SAS Feature Focus: Forward Error Correction

[Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of upcoming blog posts discussing 24G SAS features.]

By: Cameron T. Brett (SCSI Trade Association), with contributions from Tim Symons (Microchip) and Alvin Cox (Seagate), October 21, 2019

Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) and the SCSI protocol continue to innovate with one of the storage industry’s longest running technology roadmaps. Today’s 12Gb/s SAS is moving to 24G, and some 24G ecosystem elements are sampling today. SAS became the industry benchmark for high reliability, availability and scalability (RAS) by delivering per lane performance, data integrity, flexible architectures and scalability in enterprise servers and storage for decades. SAS is becoming less expensive to deploy with the highest capacity SSD and HDD storage devices, along with the introduction of Value SAS.

So what’s next for SAS? The SAS-4 specification is in the publication process and products are well into development. 24G SAS brings a significant performance speed bump, nearly doubling the current data rate, but it also brings SSD, QoS, data reliability and signal improvements.

20-bit Forward Error Correction (FEC)
In short, FEC enhances data integrity as electrical signal transmission rates increase (like from 12Gb/s → 22.5Gb/s). Faster data rates increase the probability of bit errors at the physical layer, hence improved error correction is required. Forward error correction enables the signal receiver with the ability to correct errors without re-transmitting the data. Without going too far into the technical weeds, Reed-Solomon codes are used to create parity elements, or “symbols”, that are transmitted with the data. SAS uses a very short (150-bits) code length for low latency. The 20-bits of FEC code can fix up to two errors in each transmission.

Data transmission with 20-bit Forward Error Correction (FEC)

A benefit of using FEC is a reduced number of re-transmissions, or retries. Data integrity is improved, and that means SAS can successfully transmit more transactions than other protocols that do not use FEC by reducing the need to retransmit when corrupted data is found.

Where Does FEC Benefit the System?
During transmission of data over a SAS-4 (24G SAS) channel, the signal is impacted by physical impairments, including crosstalk, reflections and poor signal-to-noise ratio, resulting in bit errors at the receiving end of the transmission. If a bit is uncorrectable, even by FEC, it will be transmitted again so the fewer the re-transmissions the better. The FEC implementation in the SAS-4 specification will correct most bit errors, but occasionally one will get through, which translates to one uncorrectable bit error every 12.3 hours. Not too bad, having to do one retransmission only twice a day, compared with multiple re-transmissions if FEC is not available.

24G SAS Enhancements: 20-bit Forward Error Correction (FEC)

How Facebook & Microsoft Leverage NVMe Cloud Storage

What do Hyperscalers like Facebook and Microsoft have in common? Find out in our next SNIA Networking Storage Forum (NSF) webcast, How Facebook and Microsoft Leverage NVMe Cloud Storage, on November 19, 2019 where you’ll hear how these cloud market leaders are using NVMe SSDs in their architectures. Our expert presenters, Ross Stenfort, Hardware System Engineer at Facebook and Lee Prewitt, Principal Hardware Program Manager, Azure CSI at Microsoft, will provide a close up look into their application requirements and challenges, why they chose NVMe flash for storage, and how they are successfully deploying NVMe to fuel their businesses. You’ll learn: Read More

Show Your Persistent Stuff – and Win!

Persistent Memory software development has been a source of server development innovation for the last couple years.  The availability of the open source PMDK libraries (http://pmem.io/pmdk/) has provided a common interface for developing across PM types as well as server architectures.  Innovation beyond PMDK also continues to grow, as more experimentation yields open and closed source products and tools.

However, there is still hesitation to develop without physical systems.  While systems are available from a variety of outlets, the costs of those systems and the memory can still be a barrier for small developers.  Recognizing that there’s a need to grow both outlet and opportunity, Now, however, the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) is announcing the availability of NVDIMM-based Persistent Memory systems for developers along with a programming challenge.

Interested developers can get credentials to access systems in the SNIA Technology Center in Colorado Springs, CO for development and testing of innovative applications or tools that can utilize persistent memory.  The challenge is open to any developer or community interested in testing code.

Participants will have the opportunity to demonstrate their output to a panel of judges.  The most innovative solutions will have a showcase opportunity at upcoming SNIA events in 2020. The first opportunity will be the SNIA Persistent Memory Summit.  Judges will be looking for applications and tools that best highlight the values of persistent memory, including persistence in the memory tier, improved performance of applications using PM, and crash resilience and recovery of data across application or system restarts.

To register, contact SNIA at pmhackathon@snia.org.  The challenge will be available starting immediately through at least the first half of 2020.

Check out the Persistent Programming in Real Life (PIRL) blog as well for information on this challenge and other upcoming activities.

Show Your Persistent Stuff

Persistent Memory software development has been a source of server development innovation for the last couple years.  The availability of the open source PMDK libraries (http://pmem.io/pmdk/) has provided a common interface for developing across PM types as well as server architectures.  Innovation beyond PMDK also continues to grow, as more experimentation yields open and closed source products and tools. However, there is still hesitation to develop without physical systems.  While systems are available from a variety of outlets, the costs of those systems and the memory can still be a barrier for small developers.  Recognizing that there’s a need to grow both outlet and opportunity, Now, however, the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) is announcing the availability of NVDIMM-based Persistent Memory systems for developers along with a programming challenge. Read More

What Does Software Defined Storage Means for Storage Networking?

Software defined storage (SDS) is growing in popularity in both cloud and enterprise accounts. But why is it appealing to some customers and what is the impact on storage networking? Find out at our SNIA Networking Storage Forum webcast on October 22, 2019 “What Software Defined Storage Means for Storage Networking” where our experts will discuss:

  • What makes SDS different from traditional storage arrays?
  • Does SDS have different networking requirements than traditional storage appliances?
  • Does SDS really save money?
  • Does SDS support block, file and object storage access?
  • How data availability is managed in SDS vs. traditional storage
  • What are potential issues when deploying SDS?

Register today to save your spot on Oct. 22nd.  This event is live, so as always, our SNIA experts will be on-hand to answer your questions.

Answering Your Kubernetes Storage Questions

Our recent SNIA Cloud Storage Technologies Initiative (CSTI) Kubernetes in the Cloud series generated a lot of interest, but also more than a few questions. The interest is a great indicator of Kubernetes rising profile in the world of computing.

Following the third episode in the series, we’ve chosen a few questions that might help to better explain (or bring additional context to) our presentation. This post is our answer to your very important questions.

If you’re new to this webcast series about running Kubernetes in the cloud, you can catch the three parts here:

The rest of this article includes your top questions from, and our answers to, Part 3:

Q. What databases are best suited to run on Kubernetes?

A. The databases better suited are the ones which have leaned into the container revolution (which has been happening over the past five years). Typically, those databases have a native clustering capability. For example, CockroachDB has great documentation and examples available showing how to set it up on Kubernetes.

On the other hand, Vitess provides clustering capabilities on top of MariaDB or MySQL to better enable them to run on Kubernetes. It has been accepted as an incubation project by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), so there is a lot of development expertise behind it to ensure it runs smoothly on Kubernetes.

Traditional relational databases like Postgres or single-node databases like Neo4j are fine for Kubernetes. The big caveat is that these are not designed to easily scale. That means the responsibility is on you to understand the limits of that DB, and any services it might support. Scaling these pre-cloud solutions tends to require sharding, or other similarly tricky techniques.

As long as you maintain a comfortable distance from the point where you’d need to scale a pre-cloud DB, you should be fine.

Q. When is it appropriate to run Kubernetes containerized applications on-premises versus in the cloud?

A. In the cloud you tend to benefit most from the managed service or elasticity. All of the major cloud providers have database offerings which run in Kubernetes environments. For example, Amazon Aurora, Google Cloud SQL, and Microsoft Azure DB. These offerings can be appropriate if you are a smaller shop without a lot of database architects.

The decision to run on-premises is usually dictated by external factors. Regulatory requirements like GDPR, country requirements, or customer requirements may require you to run on-premises. This is often where the concept of data gravity comes into effect – it is easier to move your compute to your data, versus moving your data to your compute.

This is one of the reasons why Kubernetes is popular. Wherever your data lives, you’ll find you can bring your compute closer (with minimal modifications), thanks to the consistency provided by Kubernetes and containers.

Q. Why did the third presentation feature old quotes about the challenges of Kubernetes and databases?

A. Part of that is simply my (the presenter’s) personal bias, and I apologize. I was primarily interested in finding a quote by recognizable brands. Kelsey Hightower and Uber are both highly visible in the container community, so the immediate interest was in finding the right words from them.

That does raise a relevant question, though. Has something changed recently? Are containers and Kubernetes becoming a better fit for stateful workloads? The answers is yes and no.

Running stateful workloads on Kubernetes has remained about the same for a while now. As an example, a text search for “stateful” on the 1.16 changelog returns no results. If a change was made for StatefulSets, or “Stateful workloads” we would hope to see a result. Of course, free text search is never quite that easy. Additional searches for “persist” show only results for CSI and ingress related changes.

The point is that stateful workloads are running the same way now, as they were with the prior versions. Part of the reason for the lack of change, is that stateful workloads are difficult to generalize. In the language of Fred Brooks, we could say that stateful workloads are essentially complex. In other words, the difficulty of generalizing is unavoidable and it must be addressed with a complex solution.

Solutions like operators are tackling some of this complexity, and some changes to storage components indicates progress is occurring elsewhere. A good example is in the 1.14 release (March 2019), where local persistent volumes graduated to general availability (GA). That’s a nice resolution to this blog from 2016, which said,

“Currently, we recommend using StatefulSets with remote storage. Therefore, you must be ready to tolerate the performance implications of network attached storage. Even with storage optimized instances, you won’t likely realize the same performance as locally attached, solid state storage media.”

Local persistent volumes fix some of the performance concerns around running stateful workloads on Kubernetes. Has Kubernetes made progress? Undeniably. Are stateful workloads still difficult? Absolutely.

Transitioning databases and complex, or stateful work to Kubernetes still requires a steep learning curve. Running a database through your current setup requires no additional knowledge. Your current database works, and you and your team already know everything you need to keep that going.

Running stateful applications on Kubernetes requires you attain knowledge of init containers, persistent volumes (PVs), persistent volume claims (PVCs), storage classes, service accounts, services, pods, config maps, and more. This large learning requirement has remained one of the biggest challenges. That means Kelsey and Uber’s cautionary notes remain relevant.

It’s a big undertaking to run stateful workloads on Kubernetes. It can be very rewarding, but it also comes with a large cost.

Q. If Kubernetes introduces so much complexity, why should we use it?

A. One of the main points of part three of our Kubernetes in the Cloud series, is that you can pick and choose. Kubernetes is flexible, and if you find running projects outside of it easier, you still have that option. Kubernetes is designed so that it’s easy to mix and match with other solutions.

Aside from the steep learning curve, it can seem like there are a number of other major challenges that come with Kubernetes. These challenges are often due to other design choices, like a move towards microservices, infrastructure as code, or etc. These other philosophies are shifts in perspective, that change how we and our teams have to think about infrastructure.

As an example, James Lewis and Martin Fowler note how a shift towards microservices will complicate storage:

“As well as decentralizing decisions about conceptual models, microservices also decentralize data storage decisions. While monolithic applications prefer a single logical database for persistent data, enterprises often prefer a single database across a range of applications – many of these decisions driven through vendor’s commercial models around licensing. Microservices prefer letting each service manage its own database, either different instances of the same database technology, or entirely different database systems – an approach called Polyglot Persistence.”

Failing to move from a single enormous database to a unique datastore per service can lead to a distributed monolith. That is, an architecture which looks superficially like microservices, but furtively still contains many of the problems of a monolithic architecture.

Kubernetes and containers align well with newer cloud native philosophies like microservices. It’s no surprise then, that a project to move towards microservices will often involve Kubernetes. A lot of the apparent complexity of Kubernetes actually happens to be due to these accompanying philosophies. They’re often paired with Kubernetes, and anytime we stumble over a rough area, it can be easy to just blame Kubernetes for the issue.

Kubernetes and these newer philosophies are popular for a number of reasons. They’ve been proven to work at mega-scales, at companies like Google and Netflix (eg Borg and the microservice re-architecting on AWS). When done right, development teams also seem more productive.

If you are working at a larger scale and struggling, this probably sounds great. On the other hand, if you have yet to feel the pain of scaling, all of this Kubernetes and microservices stuff might seem a bit silly. There are a number of good reasons to avoid Kubernetes. There are also a number of great reasons to embrace it. We should be mindful that the value of Kubernetes and the associated philosophies is very dependent on where your business is on “feeling the pain of scaling.”

Q. Where can I learn more about Kubernetes?

A. Glad you asked! We provided more than 25 links to useful and informative resources during our live webcast. You can access all of them here.


Thanks for sending in your questions. In addition to the each of the webcasts being available on the SNIAVideo YouTube channel, you can also download PDFs of the presentations and check out the previous Q&A blogs from this series to learn more.