Q&A from “SAS 101: The Most Widely-Deployed Storage Interface” Webcast

Questions from SAS 101 Webcast Answered

In an effort to provide ongoing educational content to the industry, the SCSI Trade Association (STA) tackled the basics of Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) in a webinar titled “SAS 101: The Most Widely-Deployed Storage Interface,” now available on demand here.

Immediately following their presentations, our experts Jeremiah Tussey of Microchip Technology and current STA Vice President; and former STA board member Jeff Mason of TE Connectivity, held a Q&A session. In this blog, we’ve captured the questions asked and answers given to provide you with the extra insight needed on why SAS remains the protocol of choice in the data center. Read More

Computational Storage in the Real World

Computational storage has arrived, with real world applications meeting the goal of enabling parallel computation and/or alleviating constraints on existing compute, memory, storage, and I/O.  The SNIA Computational Storage Special Interest Group has gathered examples of computational storage use cases which demonstrate improvements in application performance and infrastructure efficiency through the integration of compute resources either directly with storage or between the host and the storage. First up in the SNIA Computational Storage Demo Series are our SIG member companies Eideticom Communications and NGD Systems. Read More

Cloud Analytics Drives Airplanes-as-a-Service Business

On-demand flying through an app sounds like something for only the rich and famous, yet the use of cloud analytics is making flexible flying a reality at start-up airline, KinectAir.  On April 7, 2021, The CTO of KinectAir, Ben Howard, will join the SNIA Cloud Storage Technologies Initiative (CSTI) for a fascinating discussion on first-hand experiences of leveraging cloud analytics methods to bring new business models to life that are competitive and profitable. And since start-up companies may not have legacy data and analytics to consider, we’ll also explore what established businesses using traditional analytics methods can learn from this use case. Join us on April 7th for our live webcast “Adapting Cloud Analytics for Practical Business Use” for views from both start-up and established companies on how to revisit the analytics decision process with a discussion on: Read More

SMI-S Storage Management Quick Start Guide Series Kicks-Off

Twenty-year SNIA veteran Mike Walker has created a series of videos titled “SMI-S Quick Start Guides” that provides developers using the SMI-S storage management specification instructions on how to find useful information in a SMI-S server using the python-based PyWBEM open source tool. “Using the PyWBEM tool, I created a set of mock SMI-S 1.8 servers which I have shared with the world on GitHub,” said Walker. “I also created a set of PDFs called ‘Quick Start Guides’ and a series of videos demonstrating some of the most recent capabilities of the SMI-S 1.8 specification. Storage equipment vendors and management software vendors seeking to address the day-to-day tasks of the IT environment can use this information to work with SMI-S 1.8.” Read More

NVMe® over Fabrics for Absolute Beginners

A while back I write an article entitled “NVMe™ for Absolute Beginners.” It seems to have resonated with a lot of people and it appears there might be a call for doing the same thing for NVMe® over Fabrics (NVMe-oF™). This article is for absolute beginners. If you are a seasoned (or even moderately-experienced) technical person, this probably won’t be news to you. However, you are free (and encouraged!) to point people to this article who need Plain English™ to get started. A Quick Refresher Any time an application on a computer (or server, or even a consumer device like a phone) needs to talk to a storage device, there are a couple of things that you need to have. First, you need to have memory (like RAM), you need to have a CPU, and you also need to have something that can hold onto your data for the long haul (also called storage). Another thing you need to have is a way for the CPU to talk to the memory device (on one hand) and the storage device (on the other). Thing is, CPUs talk a very specific language, and historically memory could speak that language, but storage could not. For many years, things ambled along in this way. The CPU would talk natively with memory, which made it very fast but also was somewhat risky because memory was considered volatile. That is, if there was a power blip (or went out completely), any data in memory would be wiped out. Not fun. Read More

Does this Look Outdated to You?

Last month, the SNIA Networking Storage Forum (NSF) took a different perspective on the storage networking technologies we cover by discussing technologies and practices that you may want to reconsider. The webcast was called “Storage Technologies & Practices Ripe for Refresh.”  I encourage you to watch it on-demand.  It was an interesting session where my colleagues Eric Hibbard, John Kim, and Alex McDonald explored security problems, aging network protocols, and NAS protocols. It was quite popular. In fact, we’re planning more in this series, so stay tuned. The audience asked us some great questions during the live event and as promised, here are our answers: Q. How can I tell if my SSH connections are secure? A. Short of doing a security scan of a server’s SSH port (typically TCP/IP port 22) it can be difficult to know if your connection is secure. In general, the following are recommended: Read More

A Q&A on Protecting Data from New COVID Threats

The SNIA Cloud Storage Technologies Initiative began 2021 discussing the topic that has been on everyone’s mind for the last year – COVID-19. But rather than talking about positive cases or vaccine availability, our experts, Eric Hibbard and Mounir Elmously, explored how COVID has increased cybersecurity concerns and impacted the way organizations must adapt their security practices in order to ensure data privacy and data protection. If you missed our live webcast “Data Privacy and Data Protection in the COIVD Era” it’s available on-demand. As expected, the session raised several questions on how to mitigate the risks from increased social engineering and ransomware attacks and how to limit increased vulnerabilities from the flood of remote workers. Here are answers to the session’s questions from our experts. Q: Do you have any recommendations for structuring a rapid response to an ongoing security threat? Read More

Cutting Edge Persistent Memory Education – Hear from the Experts!

Most of the US is currently experiencing an epic winter.  So much for 2021 being less interesting than 2020.  Meanwhile, large portions of the world are also still locked down waiting for vaccine production. So much for 2020 ending in 2020.  What, oh what, can possibly take our minds off the boredom? Here’s an idea – what about some education in persistent memory programming?  Read More

The Effort to Keep Artificial Intelligence Ethical

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are possibly the most substantive and meaningful change to modern business. The ability to process large amounts of data with varying degrees of structure and form enables giant leaps in insight to drive revenue and profit. Likewise, governments and society have significant opportunity for improvement of the lives of the populace through AI. However, with the power that AI brings comes the risks of any technology innovation. The SNIA Cloud Storage Technologies Initiative (CSTI) will explore some of the ethical issues that can arise from AI at our live webcast on March 16, 2021 “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.” Our expert speakers, Rob Enderle, President and Principal Analyst at The Enderle Group and Eric Hibbard, Chair of the SNIA Security Technical Work Group, will join me for an interactive discussion on: Read More

Understanding CDMI and S3 Together

How does the Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI™) International Standard work? Is it possible be to both S3 and CMDI compliant? What security measures are in place with CDMI? How, and where, is CDMI being deployed? These are just some of the topics we covered at our recent SNIA Cloud Storage Technologies (CSTI) webcast, “Cloud Data Management & Interoperability: Why A CDMI Standard Matters.” CDMI is intended for application developers who are implementing cloud storage systems, and who are developing applications to manage and consume cloud storage. Q. Can you compare CDMI to S3? Is it possible to be both CDMI and S3 compliant? Is it too complicated? Read More