A Topical, Timely, and Tuned Agenda – It’s Time for Data Storage Innovation 2016

There is a sense of anticipation that awaits the unveiling of SNIA’s Data Storage Innovation (DSI)  conference agenda. DSI is unique in its focus as a conference for those that use information technology.  Each year, the agenda expands as hundreds of submissions are received, reviewed, and considered for addition to the schedule.

2016 brings the most extensive topic agenda to date for DSI, set for June 13-15, 2016 and newly located in San Mateo for the convenience of those flying in to SFO, San Francisco and East good dsi logoBay attendees, as well as those in Silicon Valley.  DSI’s agenda committee, comprised of SNIA volunteer leaders from leading IT organizations, are attuned to the changing needs of an IT audience confronting next generation data centers, enterprise computing’s shift to the cloud, and the drive to data analytics for business decisions. The agenda’s 20 themed topics include hyperconvergence, cloud, data protection, big data, security, cloud, persistent memory, software defined storage, containers, and distributed storage.   And the 75 sessions within these topics are a mix of industry leadership, SNIA’s vendor neutral tutorial education, and sponsored sessions.

The DSI General Sessions emcee, reprising her highly received 2015 role, will be Camberley Bates, Managing Director and Senior Analyst, the Evaluator Group, who will also co-host a keynote on enterprise storage architectures.  Additional keynotes at this time include “Storage Architectures for Next Generation Cognitive Analytics” presented by Huawei, and an IBM industry perspective on Enterprise Computing and Data Storage.

New also for 2016 will be a session on results from a new survey co-sponsored by SNIA and the Evaluator group on enterprise deployment of hyperconverged solutions.

We invite you to peruse the DSI Conference agenda online, and make your plans to attend and participate in a conference rich in one-on-one discussions, lots of opportunities for “hallway networking”, and up-to-date technical knowledge presented without vendor bias. Register here.  If you want to understand more about how DSI works, a new video available on the DSI conference website walks you through the highlights of the conference, with perspectives from Wayne Adams, DSI Conference agenda chair, on how the sessions provide a roadmap of where the industry is going.  Camberley Bates also offers her feedback on why the conference is important in the ability to communicate with peers and learn firsthand their approaches to solving today’s enterprise issues.

Break Out of the Mold at Interop 2016

From SNIA Event Partner, Interop

Leadership isn’t jut for managers and executives – it’s also an essential skill for technologists who want to have a positive impact on their businesses. Interop Las Vegas provides a wide range of programs, including its IT Leadership Summit, workshops, and extensive conference track, that can help IT professionals find their voices and advocate for innovation. Check out the following videos on Network Computing:

In this video, Co-Founder and CEO at Creativity profiles, Rob Cordova provides a sneak peek into what attendees will learn at his workshops: Fueling Innovation and Leading Innovation.

In this video, Dan Roberts, leader of Interop’s IT Leadership Summit and CEO and President of Ouellette & Associates Consulting, discusses how to be successful in a world of increased complexity, rising expectations, and accelerating change. Find out how and why you can move away from the tired idea of “aligning business with IT” toward a place where IT is integral to your business and driving new initiatives forward.

Learn more about the IT Leadership Track and register for Interop, May 2-6 in Las Vegas. Use discount code SNIA20 to claim your Free Expo Pass or save 20% off Conference Passes.

Curious about Your Storage Knowledge? It’s a Quick “Test” with SNIA Storage Foundations Certification Practice Exam

Whether you’ve recently mastered the basics, or are a storage technology expert,  letting the industry know you are credentialed can (and probably should) be part of your career development process.  SNIA’s Storage Networking Certification Program (SNCP) provides a strong foundation of vendor-neutral, systems-level credentials that integrate with and complement individual vendor certifications. SNCP’s three knowledge “domains” – Concepts – Standards, and Solutions – each provide a standard by which your knowledge and skill set can be assessed on a consistent, industry-wide basis without any vendor specializations.Education_continuum_new_resize

Many storage professionals choose to begin with the SNIA Storage Foundations Certification, according to Michael Meleedy, SNIA’s Director of Education.  “The SNIA Foundations Exam (S10-110), newly revised to integrate new technologies and industry practices, is the entry-level exam within the SNIA Storage Networking Certification Program (SNCP),” Meleedy explained. “It has been widely accepted by the storage industry as the benchmark for basic vendor-neutral storage credentials.  In fact, vendors like Dell require this certification.”

Try the Practice Exam!

We recommend considering Spring as the best time to test your skills – and a NEW SNIA Storage Foundations Certification Practice exam makes it very easy.  This practice exam is short (easy to squeeze into your busy day) and the sample of questions from the real exam will help you quickly determine if you have the skills required to pass the industry’s only vendor-neutral certification exam. It’s open to everyone free of charge with the results available immediately.  Take the practice exam.

Why Should I Explore the SNCP?

Professionals often wonder about the real value of IT related certifications.  Is it worth your time and money to become certified?  “Yes, especially in today’s global marketplace,” said Paul Talbut, SNIA Global Education and Regional Affiliate Program Director. “SNIA certifications provide storage and data management practitioners worldwide with an industry recognised uniform standard by which individual knowledge and skill-sets can be judged.   We’re reaching a variety of professional audiences; for example, SNIA’s Foundations Exam is available both in English and Japanese, and is offered at all Prometric testing centers worldwide.”

Learn more about the new SNIA Foundations exam (S10–110) and study materials, the entire range of SNIA Certification Testing, and the six good reasons why you should be SNIA certified! Visit http://www.snia.org/education/certification.

RSA Conference Shows that KMIP Is “Key” To Encryption and Protection of Enterprise Data

By Marty Foltyn

In the vast exhibit halls of last week’s RSA Conference, Cyber (aka cybersecurity) was the mantra.  With customers asking for confidence in the encryption and protection of enterprise data, attendees found  proven interoperability in the OASIS booth where developers of the OASIS Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) showcased their support for new features.

OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) is a nonprofit consortium that drives the development, convergence20160301_135949, and adoption of open standards for the global information society.   The OASIS KMIP TC works to define a single, comprehensive protocol for communication between encryption systems and a broad range of new and legacy enterprise applications, including email, databases, and storage devices. The resulting Protocol, its profiles, and test cases are defined by the OASIS KMIP Technical Committee. By removing redundant, incompatible key management processes, KMIP  provides better data security while at the same time reducing expenditures on multiple products.

Tony Cox, OASIS KMIP Technical Committee Co-Chair and Interoperability Event Lead, stressed that “The OASIS 2016 Interop is a small window into the reality of proven interoperability between enterprise key managers, HSMs, cryptographic devices, storage, security and cloud products.  The interoperability demonstration helped to reinforce  the reality of choice for CIOs, CSOs and CTOs, enabling products from multiple vendors to be deployed as a single enterprise security solution that addresses both current and future requirements.”

Tony Cox is also the Chair of the SNIA Storage Security Industry Forum, and five SNIA SSIF member companies showcased interoperable products using the OASIS KMIP standard — Cryptsoft, Fornetix, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM, and Townsend Security.

20160301_124611 (2)SNIA provides a KMIP Conformance Test Program that enables organizations with KMIP implementations in their products to test those products against test tools and other products at the SNIA Technology Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado.   According to SNIA’s KMIP Test Program Manager David Thiel, the KMIP Test Program provides independent verification from a trusted third party that a given KMIP implementation conforms to the KMIP standard.  Verification gives confidence to both vendors and end users of KMIP solutions that a product will interoperate with other similarly tested KMIP products. KMIP support has become a prerequisite requirement for organizations looking to acquire storage and security key management solutions.

For vendors with a product that supports KMIP, having the product successfully complete SNIA’s KMIP Conformance Test Program is the best way to instill customer confidence. Any organization with a KMIP implementation can test in the SNIA’s vendor-neutral, non-competitive environment.  For KMIP Server testing, the vendor places the Server in the SNIA Technology Center and trains the KMIP Test Program staff on its use.  For KMIP Client testing, the vendor connects the Client over the Internet to the test apparatus at the SNIA Technology Center or installs the Client in the SNIA Technology Center.  The KMIP Test Program staff then tests the Server or Client and reports results to the vendor. All information regarding vendor testing and test results is confidential until the vendor releases successful test results for publication.

To date, products from Cryptsoft, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and IBM have successfully passed KMIP Conformance Tests.  Test results can be found on the KMIP Conformance Testing Results page.  Visit the KMIP Test Program to learn more.

SNIA Tutorials Highlight Industry Track at USENIX FAST ’16

by Marty Foltyn

SNIA is pleased to present seven of their series of SNIA Tutorials at the 14th USENIX conference on File and Storage Technologies (USENIX FAST) on February 24, 2016 in Santa Clara, CA.  fast16_button_180_0

SNIA Tutorials are educational materials developed by vendors, training companies, analysts, consultants, and end-users in the storage and information technology industry. SNIA tutorials are presented and used throughout the world at SNIA events and international conferences.

Utilizing VDBench to Perform IDC AFA Testing will be presented by Michael Ault, Oracle Guru, IBM, Inc. This SNIA Tutorial provides procedures, scripts, and examples to perform the IDC test framework utilizing the free tool VDBench on AFAs to provide a common set of results for comparison of multiple AFAs suitability for cloud or other network based storage.

Practical Online Cache Analysis and Optimization will be presented by Carl Waldspurger, Research and Development, CloudPhysics, Inc., and Irfan Ahmad, CTO, CloudPhysics, Inc.  After reviewing the history and evolution of MRC algorithms, this SNIA Tutorial examines new opportunities afforded by MRCs to capture valuable information about locality that can be leveraged to guide efficient cache sizing, allocation, and partitioning in order to support diverse goals such as improving performance, isolation, and quality of service.

SMB Remote File Protocol (Including SMB 3.x) will be presented by Tom Talpey, Architect, Microsoft.  This SNIA Tutorial begins by describing the history and basic architecture of the SMB protocol and its operations. The second part of the tutorial covers the various versions of the SMB protocol, with details of improvements over time. The final part covers the latest changes in SMB3, and the resources available in support of its development by industry.

Object Drives: A New Architectural Partitioning will be presented by Mark Carlson, Principal Engineer, Industry Standards, Toshiba.  This SNIA Tutorial discusses the current state and future prospects for object drives. Use cases and requirements will be examined and best practices will be described.

Fog Computing and Its Ecosystem will be presented by Ramin Elahi, Adjunct Faculty, UC Santa Cruz Silicon Valley.  This SNIA Tutorial introduces and describes Fog Computing and discusses how it supports emerging Internet of Everything (IoE) applications that demand real-time/predictable latency (industrial automation, transportation, networks of sensors and actuators).

Privacy vs. Data Protection: The Impact of EU Data Protection Legislation will be presented by Thomas Rivera, Senior Technical Associate, HDS.  This SNIA Tutorial explores the new EU data protection legislation and highlights the elements that could have significant impacts on data handling practices.

Converged Storage Technology will be presented by Liang Ming, Research Engineer, Development and Research, Distributed Storage Field, Huawei.  This SNIA Tutorial discusses the concept of key-value storage, next generation key-value converged storage solutions, and what has been done to promote the key-value standard.

Get Your Registration Discount
As a friend of SNIA, we are able to offer you a $75 discount on registration for the technical sessions. Use code75FAST15SNIA during registration to receive your discount.

FAST ’16 Program
FAST ’16 will kick off with their Keynote Address given by Eric Brewer, VP Infrastructure at Google, on “Spinning Disks and Their Cloudy Future”. In addition to the SNIA Industry Track, the 3-day technical sessions program also includes 27 refereed paper presentations.

The full program is available here: https://www.usenix.org/conference/fast16/glance


Hitachi Data Systems’ Hu Yoshida Featured in Keynote at SNIA Annual Members Symposium

The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Annual Members Symposium is a must attend event for both SNIA members and interested colleagues. Held at the Westin San Jose in San Jose California from January 19-22, 2016, the Symposium offers four full days of collaboration, networking, and knowledge about the latest advances in cloud storage, Ethernet storage, solid state storage, storage management, green computing, and more. Register and learn more at http://www.snia.org/events/symp.

A highlight of every SNIA Symposium are keynotes from leaders in the industry, and 2016 is no exception. Whether you are a SNIA member, or thinking about hubert-yoshidaSNIA membership, you are invited to attend a very special keynote presented on January 19 at 8:45 am on IT Trends that Matter in 2016, presented by Mr. Hubert Yoshida, CTO of Hitachi Data Systems. Mr. Yoshida will comment on how innovative technology companies that quickly capitalize on business opportunities and satisfy the demands of today’s empowered consumer have caused a wave of disruption. In 2016, businesses will turn to IT for solutions that will keep them competitive. Chief Information Officers will invest in faster delivery of applications and analytics, and transform IT by leveraging the third platform, social, mobile, analytics, and cloud. Mr. Yoshida will advise on how to avoid distractions and remain focused on the IT trends that matter in 2016.

Hubert Yoshida is responsible for defining the technical direction of Hitachi Data Systems. Currently, he leads the company’s effort to help customers address data life cycle requirements and resolve compliance, governance and operational risk issues. He was instrumental in evangelizing the unique Hitachi approach to storage virtualization, which leveraged existing storage services within Hitachi Universal Storage Platform® and extended it to externally-attached, heterogeneous storage systems.

Mr. Yoshida is well-known within the storage industry, and his blog has ranked among the “top 10 most influential” within the storage industry as evaluated by Network World. In October of 2006, Byte and Switch named him one of Storage Networking’s Heaviest Hitters and in 2013 he was named one of the “Ten Most Impactful Tech Leaders” by Information Week.

Hitachi Data Systems is a valued member of SNIA.  Currently,  Thomas Rivera, Technical Associate – File, Content & Cloud Solutions at Hitachi Data Systems, serves as the Secretary of the SNIA Board of Directors.

For the full agenda of activities and events at the SNIA Symposium visit http://www.snia.org/events/symp.

Implementing Stored Data Encryption – Learn the Latest at SNIA Education Day at Storage Visions Conference

by Marty Foltyn

SNIA on Storage continues its preview of SNIA Tutorials at the Storage Visions Conference, a partner program of CES held on January 3-5, 2016 at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas.  “SNIA Education Day” is held on afternoon of the pre-conference day at Storage Visions – January 3, 2016 – and is designed to give attendees the opportunity to learn about important storage topics on depth with leading industry speakers.Education_continuum_new_resize

Five tutorials will be presented on the SNIA Education Day.  In the December 17th SNIA on Storage blog, we featured the  tutorial which examines the conflict between privacy and data protection as illustrated in the European Union, but really applicable worldwide. In the December 18 blog, we previewed the Practical Online Cache Analysis and Optimization tutorial. In the December 21 blog, we examined Massively Scalable File Storage – the Key to the Internet of Things. And in the December 22 blog, a tutorial in a new research area – Fog Computing – was explained.

Today we preview the final tutorial of the SNIA Education Day – Implementing Stored-Data Encryption, presented by Dr. Michael Willett of Bright Plaza.

Data security is top of mind for most businesses trying to respond to the constant barrage of news highlighting data theft, security breaches, and the resulting punitive costs. Combined with litigation risks, compliance issues and pending legislation, companies face a myriad of technologies and products that all claim to protect data-at-rest on storage devices. This SNIA Tutorial will answer the question “What is the right approach to encrypting stored data?”.

The Trusted Computing Group, with the active participation of the drive industry, has standardized on the technology for self-encrypting drives (SED): the encryption is implemented directly in the drive hardware and electronics. Mature SED products are now available from all the major drive companies, both HDD (rotating media) and SSD (solid state) and both laptops and data center. SEDs provide a low-cost, transparent, performance-optimized solution for stored-data encryption, but SEDs do not protect data in transit, upstream of the storage system.

For overall data protection, a layered encryption approach is advised. Sensitive data (eg, as identified by specific regulations: HIPAA, PCI DSS) may require encryption outside and upstream from storage, such as in selected applications or associated with database manipulations. This tutorial will examine a ‘pyramid’ approach to encryption: selected, sensitive data encrypted at the higher logical levels, with full data encryption for all stored data provided by SEDs.

SNIA Tutorial presenter Dr. Michael Willett serves as a consultant on the marketing of storage-based security and is currently working with the Bright Plaza executive team to promote the Drive Trust Alliance, whose mission is to promote adoption of SEDs in the marketplace. Dr. Willett received a Bachelor of Science degree from the US Air Force Academy (Top Secret clearance) and a Masters and PhD in mathematics from NC State University. After a career as a university professor of mathematics and computer science, Dr. Willett joined IBM as a design architect, moving into IBM’s Cryptography Competency Center. Later, Dr. Willett joined Fiderus, a security and privacy consulting practice, subsequently accepting a position with Wave Systems. Recently, Dr. Willett was a Senior Director at Seagate Research, focusing on security functionality on hard drives, including self-encryption, related standardization, product rollout, patent development, and partner liaison.  Dr. Willett also chaired the OASIS Privacy Management Reference Model Technical Committee (PMRM TC), which has developed an operational reference model for implementing privacy requirements. Most recently, Dr. Willett worked with Samsung as a storage security strategist, helping to define their self-encryption strategy across Samsung’s portfolio of storage products.

SNIA is a proud sponsor of the Storage Visions Conference, a partner program of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).  Storage Visions, held in Las Vegas right before CES on January 3-5, 2016, is the place to explore the latest information on the rapidly evolving technology of digital storage and how it impacts consumer electronics, the internet of things, and storage in the cloud. If you have not registered for Storage Visions, head over to http://www.storagevisions.com for the conference preview.  Take $100 off your registration with the link:  https://sv2016.eventbrite.com/?discount=onehundredoff_67349921

How “Fog” Computing Delivers a Superior IOT User Experience – Learn More at SNIA Education Day at Storage Visions Conference

by Marty Foltyn

SNIA on Storage continues its preview of SNIA Tutorials at the Storage Visions Conference, a partner program of CES held on January 3-5, 2016 at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas.  “SNIA Education Day” is held on afternoon of the pre-conference day at Storage Visions – January 3, 2016 – and is designed to give attendees the opportunity to learn about important storage topics on depth with leading industry speakers.

In the December 17th SNIA on Storage blog, we featured a tutorial which examines the conflict between privacy and data protection as illustrated in the European Union, but really applicable worldwide. In the December 18 blog, we previewed the Practical Online Cache Analysis and Optimization tutorial. In the December 21 blog, we examined Massively Scalable File Storage – the Key to the Internet of Things.

Today’s blog provides a research perspective on “Fog” Computing and its Ecosystem – providing data, compute, storage, and applications services to end users – presented by Professor Ramin Elahi of the University of California, Santa Cruz.

The distinguishing Fog characteristics are its proximity to end-users, its dense geographical distribution, and its support for mobility. This SNIA Tutorial will discuss how services are hosted at the network edge or even end devices such as set-top-boxes or access points, which therefore alleviates issues the IoT (Internet of Things) is expected to produce, such as reducing service latency and improving QoS, resulting in a superior user-experience. Fog Computing supports the emerging Internet of Everything (IoE) applications that demand real-time/predictable latency (industrial automation, transportation, networks of sensors and actuators). Thanks to its wide geographical distribution the Fog paradigm is well positioned for real time big data and real time analytics. Fog supports densely distributed data collection points, hence adding a fourth axis to the often mentioned Big Data dimensions (volume, variety, and velocity)

SNIA Tutorial presenter Ramin Elahi, MSEE, is an Adjunct Professor and Advisory Board Member at UC Santa Cruz Silicon Valley. He has taught Data Center Storage, Unix Networking and System Administration at UC Santa Cruz and UC Berkeley Ext. since 1996. He is also a Sr. Education Consultant at EMC Corp. He has also served as a Training Solutions Architect at NetApp, where he managed the engineering on-boarding and training curricula development. Prior to NetApp, he was Training Site Manager at Hitachi Data Systems Academy in charge of development and delivery of enterprise storage arrays certification programs. He also was the global network storage curricula manager at Hewlett-Packard. His areas of expertise are data center storage design and architecture, Data ONTAP, cloud storage, and virtualization. He has also held variety of positions at Cisco, Novell and SCO as a consultant and escalation engineer. He implemented the first university-level Data Storage and Virtualization curriculum in Northern California back in 2007.

SNIA is a proud sponsor of the Storage Visions Conference, a partner program of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).  Storage Visions, held in Las Vegas right before CES on January 3-5, 2016, is the place to explore the latest information on the rapidly evolving technology of digital storage and how it impacts consumer electronics, the internet of things, and storage in the cloud. If you have not registered for Storage Visions, head over to http://www.storagevisions.com for the conference preview.  Take $100 off your registration with the link:  https://sv2016.eventbrite.com/?discount=onehundredoff_67349921

Massively Scalable File Storage Key to IOT – Learn More at SNIA Tutorial at Storage Visions Conference

by Marty Foltyn

SNIA on Storage continues its preview of SNIA Tutorials at the Storage Visions Conference. SNIA is a proud sponsor of the Storage Visions Conference, a partner program of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).  Storage Visions, held in Las Vegas right before CES on January 3-5, 2016, is the place to explore the latest information on the rapidly evolving technology of digital storage and how it impacts consumer electronics, the internet of things, and storage in the cloud. If you have not registered for Storage Visions, head over to http://www.storagevisions.com for the conference preview.  Take $100 off your registration with the link:  https://sv2016.eventbrite.com/?discount=onehundredoff_67349921

“SNIA Education Day” is held on the afternoon of the pre-conference day at Storage Visions – January 3, 2016 – and is designed to giveEducation_continuum_new_resize attendees the opportunity to learn about important storage topics on depth with leading industry speakers.

In the SNIA on Storage December 17th blog, we featured a tutorial which examines the conflict between privacy and data protection as illustrated in the European Union, but really applicable worldwide. In the December 18 blog, we previewed the Practical Online Cache Analysis and Optimization tutorial.

Today’s blog highlights a topic of key interest to those building Internet of Things (IoT) applications – Massively Scalable File Storage which will be presented by Philippe Nicholas on SNIA Education Day at Storage Visions.

The Internet has changed the world and continues to revolutionize how people are connected, exchange data, and do business. This radical change is one of the causes of the rapid explosion of data volume that required a new data storage approach and design. One of the common elements is that unstructured data rules the IT world. How can famous Internet services we all use everyday support and scale with thousands of new users added daily and continue to deliver an enterprise-class SLA? What are the various technologies behind a Cloud Storage service to support hundreds of millions of users? This tutorial covers technologies introduced by famous papers about Google File System and BigTable, Amazon Dynamo, and Apache Hadoop. In addition, Parallel, Scale-out, Distributed, and P2P approaches with Lustre, PVFS, and pNFS with several proprietary ones are presented. This tutorial also discusses some key features such as erasure coding which are essential at this large scale to help understand and differentiate industry vendor offerings.

Tutorial presenter Philippe Nicolas is a recognized storage industry expert with more than 20 years of experience. He is currently an advisor for companies including Rozo Systems, Guardtime, and Solix Technologies. Philippe drove the Industry Strategy at Scality after leading the Product Strategy since 2011. He was at Brocade for 2 years as technology evangelist and strategist and spent nearly 10 years at Veritas Software and Symantec in different technology and product roles. Philippe started the SNIA Europe France regional committee in 2001, and served as Chairman for France until February 2010. He served twice on the SNIA Europe Board of Directors and was a founder of the SNIA Cloud Storage Initiative. He is the author of four SNIA Tutorials on Data Sharing, File Storage, Massive Scalability, and Cloud Storage. In 2005, Philippe received the Outstanding Service Award from the SNIA Europe for his industry and association contribution. He holds an engineering degree in computer sciences from ESI.

Cache Optimization the Focus of Tutorial at SNIA Education Day at Storage Visions Conference

by Marty Foltyn

SNIA on Storage continues its preview of SNIA Tutorials at the Storage Visions Conference. “SNIA Education Day” is held on the afternoon of the pre-conference day at Storage Visions – January 3, 2016 – and is designed to give attendees the opportunity to learn about important storage topics on depth with leading industry speakers.Education_continuum_new_resize

SNIA will exhibit at Storage Visions January 4-5, 2016 in booths 204-208, featuring the latest on Solid State Storage and certification activities.

If you have not registered for Storage Visions, head over to http://www.storagevisions.com for the conference preview and registration.

In December 17th SNIA on Storage blog, we reviewed a tutorial which examines the conflict between privacy and data protection as illustrated in the European Union, but really applicable worldwide. Today, we take a look at a SNIA Tutorial #2 in the SNIA Education Day Agenda Practical Online Cache Analysis and Optimization.

This tutorial will take a technical dive into how to analyze and optimize high-performance storage caches using lightweight, continuously-updated miss ratio curves (MRCs). The benefits of storage caches have been notoriously difficult to model and control, varying widely by workload, and exhibiting complex, nonlinear behaviors. Now, however, MRCs (previously relegated to offline modeling), can be computed so inexpensively that they are practical for dynamic, online cache management, even in the most demanding environments.

The tutorial will examine new opportunities afforded by MRCs to capture valuable information about locality that can be leveraged to guide efficient cache sizing, allocation, and partitioning, in order to support diverse goals such as improving performance, isolation, and quality of service. The presenters will also describhow multiple MRCs can be used to track different alternatives at various timescales, enabling online tuning of cache parameters and policies.

Tutorial presenter Carl Waldspurger has been leading research at CloudPhysics since its inception. He is active in the systems research community, and serves as a technical advisor to several startups. For over a decade, Carl was responsible for core resource management and virtualization technologies at VMware. Prior to VMware, he was a researcher at the DEC Systems Research Center. Carl holds a PhD in computer science from MIT.

Co-presenting with Carl is Irfan Ahmad, Chief Technology Officer of CloudPhysics which he cofounded in 2011. Prior to CloudPhysics, Irfan was at VMware, where he was R&D tech lead and co-inventor for flagship products. Irfan has worked extensively on interdisciplinary endeavors in memory, storage, CPU, and distributed resource management, and has developed a special interest in research at the intersection of systems.

SNIA is a proud sponsor of the Storage Visions Conference, a partner program of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).  Storage Visions, held in Las Vegas right before CES on January 4-5, 2016, is the place to explore the latest information on the rapidly evolving technology of digital storage and how it impacts consumer electronics, the internet of things, and storage in the cloud.